Violet's Story

Violet was adopted from China at 17 months. Her parents connected with Duke long before Violet came home. 

“We had photos from the adoption agency,” says Tripp, Violet’s dad. “We reached out to potential places in the area and Dr. Marcus [chief of the Duke Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral surgery] responded right away and gave us a very clear sense of what they would be able to do. Without Violet even being an established patient, the cleft team was very comforting, and we knew exactly what would need to be done and in what timeframe, so that solidified our choice of Duke.”

Violet at her table

Violet has been a Duke patient ever since and has made strong connections with the team. “Carlee is someone Violet is very attached to and comfortable with, and she has created a lot of opportunities for Violet, including helping her become a published author,” Tripp adds.

Violet, now 13, came to her annual appointment when she was 9 with a book made from folded notebook paper that illustrated a clinic visit with words and drawings. The team was so impressed they asked Violet if she wanted to collaborate on a book that could help other children know what to expect on clinic day. Jones and her team helped Violet publish the book, now available on Amazon, and every child who comes to clinic receives a copy.

“We took it very seriously, and we really put it in Violet’s hands. We let her drive the writing of it—we thought it was important to keep it true to her vision,” says Jones.

Violet likes that her book shows that kids shouldn’t be afraid, and that clinic can be fun. "I'm not feeling like I want to be rich from this,” says Violet. “I just want it to help other kids.”

Today, Violet is in the 8th grade and loves math, science, playing basketball, and band. She enjoys reading, writing, and drawing, and hopes to one day be a graphic designer. 

Her parents know that Duke Children's will always provide Violet with the best medical care. "The Duke Cleft and Craniofacial team has been such an incredible team to work with our family" they say. "They have meant so much to Violet and have even made opportunities available to help boost her confidence with her art and writing."